Healthcare IT (HCIT) has become an integral part of the solutions being offered by healthcare companies in recent years, be they payer- or provider-focused. And HCIT stands to become even more indispensable, growing by an estimated 5% to 10% in the near-term due to six macro trends taking place in the healthcare sector as a whole.
- Shift towards value-based care (high impact)
- Pay-for-performance (including ACOs) incentivizes the use of IT to increase efficiency
- Demand for real-time clinical and financial data to drive optimal decisions is on the rise
- Increasing digitization (high impact)
- Health systems are becoming more sophisticated in tracking patient biometric and longitudinal data
- Patients increasingly seek to engage with data about their health
- Shift towards ambulatory care (medium-high impact)
- Ambulatory care settings, increasingly used as lower-cost care alternatives, can link with hospitals through integrated HCIT
- Cost pressures (medium impact)
- Regulatory pressures are growing and ACA requirements are driving reimbursements lower
- Payers and providers have been reducing costs through automation, streamlined decision-making and standardization
- Rise of consumerism (medium impact)
- Shifting costs to the consumer is leading to increased use of consumer tools (e.g. pricing/results information, medical history, “shopping” tools)
- Hospital and provider consolidation (low-medium impact)
- Hospitals and provider groups that merge face the challenge of integrating their IT systems
Learn more about L.E.K. Consulting’s experience assisting organizations with their HCIT needs across all verticals and sub-segments, whether they offer solutions that are payer- or provider-focused.
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