Simple, Effective, Profitable: Putting the Magic Back Into the French Hypermarket
- Executive Insights
It’s a grocery format the French invented, yet there are now many alternatives to the traditional hypermarket first launched in the 1960’s. The format offered a number of key benefits at the time — breadth of choice, great prices and everything available under one roof. Today, there’s another place that offers the same. It’s called the internet.
Armed with technology, consumers can better compare products, prices and availability both online and in store, making them more powerful than ever before. As a result, the in store experience is more important than ever and the three key benefits of the original hypermarket format are no longer the unique selling propositions they once were.
In this Executive Insights Remy Ossmann and Nohmie Ben Rekassa explore three core components of a winning customer experience strategy and explain why running the sales floor with an iron-clad discipline is key to creating an enticing in-store experience.
For more information, please watch this interview with Remmy Ossmann.(French)