
In the second installment of this multipart Executive Insights series on health and wellness (H&W) trends, L.E.K. expands upon consumer groups and growth drivers to delve into each sector of H&W including:

  • Active apparel & footwear
  • Functional & organic food & beverage
  • Gym & fitness centers
  • Sporting goods
  • Nutritional supplements

Using research from a proprietary study of more than 2,500 adult H&W consumers, L.E.K. offers six actionable themes for helping manufacturers, brands, retailers and investors identify which products, services and segments are most likely to achieve future growth — and why. The best H&W opportunities for your business may be hidden today, but a critical review of the consumer landscape can help you discover the potential for your business tomorrow.

To read the first installment in this series, please see "Hidden Opportunities in Health & Wellness, Part One: The Many Faces of H&W Consumers."

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