title slide
key questions
when will health crisis abate?
global vaccine rollouts
vaccines decoupling infections and deaths
government response over time
fear of catching COVID reducing
health crisis outlook
what is economic recovery outlook?
GDP quarterly forecasts
forecast for recovery
household savings ratio
spending of savings
economic recovery outlook
how is travel evolving?
tourism in Europe
Europe toll road and motorway use
european domestic air
european international air traffic
air capacity by route
travel uncertainty and chaos
digital engagement per search item
UK traffic light system
travel evolving as pandemic recedes
when will travel be normal?
passenger apprehension word map
2022 optimism
domestic holiday recovery
indecision on future travel
intentions for future travel
2022 travel demand
reasons for suppressed travel demand
factors impacting traveler confidence
aviation forecast 2023 to 2024
outlook for travel returning normal
role of ferries
search fluctuation for ferries
ferries ranked safe form of travel
sentiment towards ferry improved
attractiveness of ferry travel
role of ferries response
key takeaways
becrom basu martin pilkington

European Ferry Recovery and Outlook

What’s the outlook for the European ferry market? In this presentation from the October 2021 Interferry Conference, we lay out insights to five key questions:

  1. When will the health crisis abate?
  2. What is the outlook for the economic recovery?
  3. How is travel evolving as the pandemic recedes?
  4. When will travel go back to “normal”?
  5. What role will ferries play?

To download a copy of the presentation materials, please fill out the form below.

Interferry CEO Interview with L.E.K.'s Becrom Basu
becrom interview
Becrom Basu sat down with Interferry CEO Mike Corrigan to talk about the European ferry market, which is the theme of Becrom’s talk at the 45th Annual Interferry Conference.

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