Jobs for the Bots? How the UK Jobs Market Is Responding to Automation
- Executive Insights
One of the key questions for businesses engaged in the U.K. employment market is how significant the impact of automation is really likely to be.
In a 2013 paper titled The Future of Employment: How susceptible are jobs to computerisation?, Carl Frey and Michael Osborne, suggested that nearly half of U.S. jobs (47%) faced a high probability of being automated. By using the automation framework developed in that paper and examining recent trends, L.E.K. analysis has found that the U.K. job market is, in contrast to the U.S., responding well to automation, so far.
In this Executive Insights, London partner Andrew Allum explains how the U.K. market is successfully creating harder-to-automate jobs in numbers that more than replace those lost to automation in recent years. The report examines future challenges for the U.K. employment market as automation accelerates, and sets out eight key priorities employment market participants need to be aware of, and respond to, in order to embrace the trends.