L.E.K. Consulting Fraud Alert



Please be aware that individuals have been fraudulently using non-L.E.K. Consulting domains (including l-ek.com, lek-au.com, lek-consulting.co.uk, lekconsulting.co.in, lekintls.com) to send out fake invoices that appear to be from L.E.K. This is a reminder that if you receive an invoice from L.E.K. Consulting, it is because L.E.K. Consulting has been involved in a business transaction with you. If you received an invoice from L.E.K. Consulting, we recommend that you check the domain from the email sent, and check your records to confirm that an invoice for services provided is expected and that our firm has conducted business with your company. Please contact us if you have any doubts or questions.


We have also had reports of communications from individuals fraudulently using such non-L.E.K. Consulting domains (including lekconsultings.com) as well as other methods of approach such as via LinkedIn or portals sending fake recruitment roles solicitations or offers including some involving a payment for enrollment or participation. Please note that all L.E.K. recruitment is conducted through our website and that no payment is ever requested by L.E.K. from any potential candidate applying for an opening or role within L.E.K.. Please contact us directly if you have any doubts of questions.