In the sixth segment of our series that examines new growth models for the media & entertainment industry, L.E.K. Consulting examines how the publishing industry can take a page from casual and social gaming companies to develop new revenue models.
L.E.K.’s report includes the following:
- Shifts in how print media is consumed – and the projected impact that iPads and other digital tablets will continue to have on the publishing industry (book and magazine publishers, as well as retailers)
- Similarities in business models between the publishing and the casual and social gaming industry
- Six best practices from the casual and social gaming industry that the publishing industry can use to support growth:
1. Sell access, not assets
2. Embed “pay-as-you-go” features into media formats
3. Capitalize on interactive mobile device capabilities
4. Leverage the freemium model
5. Build the customer relationship – and be willing to pay for it
6. Create a social world