What’s In-Store for Mobile? The Winning Moves In Mobile Shopping Assistance
- Executive Insights
Innovative retailers understand that many people regard their smart phones as indispensable assistants for shopping, as with other aspects of their lives. A majority of smart phone owners now use their devices to assist in purchases every month.
Mobile solutions come in two forms: “mCommerce” enables customers to purchase products directly through mobile devices, and “shopping assistance” features are mobile solutions that enhance the in-store shopping experience.
Though many retailers recognize the opportunity and provide some kind of mobile solution for their customers, few have cracked the code for offering a truly best-in-class mobile experience, particularly when it comes to shopping assistance features.
In this Executive Insights, L.E.K. Managing Directors Alex Evans and Rob Haslehurst share best practices such as mobile-enabled research tools and in-store navigation—and reveal their strategy for maximizing mobile’s impact in the rapidly evolving landscape.