





  • 制定并执行公司战略:我们与客户紧密合作,制定并执行定制化战略,以创造长期的、可持续的价值。无论是定义一种新的商业模式,还是推动第一产品范围以外的业务增长,是评估有吸引力的邻近市场,还是确定如何扩展团队抑或是建立特许经营方面的领导地位,我们的团队在帮助客户制定针对特定情况的独特制胜战略方面的业绩有目共睹。
  • 开拓新市场:我们帮助客户开拓新的地区市场和细分市场。这包括成熟和新兴市场、处方药和消费者市场、初级和专业护理市场、慢性、急性和孤儿病市场、研究、诊断和治疗市场,以及新的、创新的市场。我们为客户提供的市场进入战略为其打开了发展和创造长期价值的大门。
  • 执行创造价值的交易:从搜索、评估、执行到交易后整合,在交易生命周期的各个阶段,我们均为客户提供支持服务。我们帮助生命科学客户执行了价值超过 1400亿美元的交易,包括引入许可、对外许可、战略伙伴关系、并购、合资、资产剥离和特许权的交易等。
  • 推出创新型产品及服务:我们与客户合作,制定成熟市场和新兴市场中的商业推广策略。我们已成功为所有重要市场的制药、生物技术和设备领先品牌提供了支持服务。我们的商业规划和推广专业知识包括化学药和生物制药、疫苗、生命科学工具、诊断方法和相关的支持服务。
  • 优化运营:我们与客户密切合作,优化整个生命科学价值链的运营、组织结构、财务和流程。我们所做的工作帮助生命科学的诸多领域的客户在公司、业务单元和运营团队层面上都实现了生产率、收入和利润的增长。



  • 转型业务开发:由于即将丧失一系列核心产品的排他权,某全球性制药公司将面临着收入悬崖。L.E.K.咨询通过制定更加积极的战略、设计创新型业务开发流程和组织结构,帮助其避免了这场危机,使得该公司在18个月内完成了超过12笔交易,收入增长20%,市值增长30%,并且改变了该公司的发展轨迹。
  • 注重盈利性的增长:一家中等规模的合同制造商急需定义一个令人信服的价值主张,确定未来投资方向。L.E.K.帮助该客户制定了更加专注于加快发展速度、注重盈利性增长的策略。这一新策略帮助客户实现收入翻倍,并带来了数千万美元的增量现金流。更重要的是,企业价值增加了三倍以上。
  • 品牌激活:某大型生物科技公司推出的一个产品表现不佳,损害了品牌形象,并可能损害未来的特许经营业绩。L.E.K.运用各种先进的分析技术,帮助该公司识别出导致业绩不佳的真正因素,并制定出重新恢复产品销量的策略。在接下来的四年里,该公司着力解决这些不利因素,使产品销量增加近10倍,并成功推出后续产品和服务,进一步巩固了特许经营权。
  • 商业模式创新:某领先的分子信息平台试图了解如何最大限度地利用其核心信息和技术资产来创造股东价值。对管理团队而言,哪些市场机会最具吸引力、应采用何种商业模式都存在极大的不确定性。L.E.K.咨询帮助细分潜在客户、设计核心应用案例,从而发掘了价值高达4亿美元的新盈利机会。在我们的策略中,我们也推荐了几家合作伙伴,这进一步增加了企业的市场价值和市场认可度。
  • 反转战略:一家专注于肿瘤的生物技术公司正为提高在售产品的市场价值与发挥在研产品的未来潜力而左右苦恼。该客户现有的运营计划预计会在两年内耗尽公司的现金储备,因此急需一项能迅速提升价值的可操作策略。L.E.K.帮助该客户确定推动其商业成功的一些关键因素,出售部分欧洲业务,并将资金重新分配给投资回报率最高的在研产品,确定合适的运营成本。这项多管齐下的反转战略,最终促成了一笔大额交易,并在不到12个月的时间里,使公司市值增加了5倍以上。

Success stories

We have helped companies across several life sciences sectors recalibrate their product strategy or business model to drive profitable growth and outsized returns.

  • Transformative business development: A global pharmaceutical company was facing a revenue cliff as a result of the impending loss of exclusivity of a number of its key products. L.E.K. helped avert this crisis by developing a more aggressive strategy and designing an innovative business development process and organizational structure. This resulted in the company completing 12+ transactions in 18 months, increasing revenue by more than 20%, adding more than 30% to its market cap and transforming the company’s growth trajectory.
  • Focusing on profitable growth: A midsize contract manufacturer was struggling to define a compelling value proposition and determine which parts of its business to invest in for the future. L.E.K. helped this client develop a more focused strategy that accelerated its growth trajectory and enhanced emphasis on profitable growth. This new strategy helped double client revenue and led to tens of millions of dollars in incremental cash flow. More important, it has increased company value more than three times.
  • Brand revitalization: A product launched by a major biotech company was significantly underperforming, hurting brand image and potentially future franchise performance. Using a combination of advanced analytical techniques, L.E.K. helped the company identify the true drivers of underperformance and developed a strategy to revitalize product sales. By targeting these drivers, the company grew product sales by nearly 10 times over the next four years and successfully launched follow-on products and services that further elevated the franchise.
  • Business model innovation: A leading molecular information platform was trying to understand how it could best leverage its core information and technology assets to drive shareholder value. Within the management team, there was significant uncertainty about which market opportunities were most attractive and what business model was best-suited to pursue them. L.E.K. helped segment potential customers and designed core use cases, uncovering a new revenue opportunity worth upward of $400 million. Our strategy also recommended several partnerships, which have led to further value accretion and market validation.
  • Turnaround strategy: An oncology-focused biotech company was struggling to maximize the value of its marketed products while also realizing the potential of its promising pipeline. The client’s existing operating plan was projected to exhaust the company’s cash reserves inside of two years, and thus it needed an actionable strategy that could drive value quickly. L.E.K. helped this client identify some of the key drivers of its commercial success, divest some of its European operations, reallocate funding to the highest ROI pipeline opportunities and right-size operating costs. This resulted in a multipronged turnaround strategy, which ultimately culminated with a large transaction and an over five times increase in market cap in less than 12 months.

