














艾意凯的高管团队提供了解决关键业务问题所需的行业洞察力和战略视角。我们的协作型的、以项目为基础的方法旨在向客户的高层管理人员提供解决特定痛点所需的知识、工具和支持,从而帮助客户建立能力,并使其充满信心地向前发展。为使我们团队本已深厚的行业经验更加充实,我们聘请了来自大型医疗保健机构拥有丰富经验的高管,他们具有“亲身经历与实操经验”,可为相关项目提供现实的、可操作的观点。同时,我们作为支持并购 (M&A) 的战略专家的悠久历史使我们能够提供将强大详尽的分析与快速执行完美结合的项目流程和方法。


  • 促进增长和新业务开发:我们与客户密切合作,评估新市场,优选战略增长机会,制定商业计划和商业模式,并编纂实施路线图,以降低成本、提高医疗效果和质量,同时为股东创造价值。
  • 制定战略以应对不断变化的法规:我们利用对政策的深入理解、基于经验和事实的见解以及对客户能力和资产的详细分析协助客户制定应对不断变化的市场的独特的解决方案。
  • 推动创新:我们赋予客户将创意转化为新的行业模式的能力。通过开展缜密的调查,清晰地表述和完善价值主张,以及将新的解决方案有效植入医疗服务价值链,我们证明了我们可以在质量和成本趋势方面“带来变化”。
  • 加强社会和医疗服务模式:我们与客户合作,以定义技术、产品和服务模式,从而满足初级、急性、家庭和社会护理等不同场景下日益增长的预防性医疗保健需求。
  • 从新兴医疗保健“零售”市场获利:艾意凯为价值链上的客户(包括支付方、福利管理者和护理服务提供商)提供支持服务,以建立稳健的战略,从而提高收入,识别新的市场机会,并为消费者提供创新型解决方案。我们将消费者调查与增长和盈利能力的定量分析、采用率模型的建立,以及其他市场动态结合起来。
  • 提高运营效益:我们与支付方、供应商和其他委托人接触的实践经验使我们能够与高层管理人员和业务经理开展紧密合作,以诊断问题、制定并实施业绩改进计划。我们在整个医疗保健价值链各个职能方面拥有丰富的经验,比如销售和营销、客户服务和挽留、收入周期、医疗管理和临床操作,以及财务。
  • 评估并购机会:我们拥有深厚的专业知识,可以为战略和财务投资者提供建议,帮助他们识别高收益的投资机会。我们的商业尽职调查工作还包括提供收购后的战略和整合服务,以优化投资组合公司的价值。


  • 国际增长:艾意凯咨询为一家领先的欧洲医疗提供商评估其进入中国市场的选择,并考察了市场和法规的发展、当地市场需求、客户自身的价值定位以及交付的可行性等各方面因素。该服务供应商顺利进入市场,目前正与当地领先的合作伙伴进行良好合作。
  • 发展战略:艾意凯为一家全国性多业务线的健康护理机构 (MCO) 制定战略和投资计划并提供计划实施支持服务,帮助其在5年时间内通过向新郡扩张,改进会员挽留计划,将目标拓展到产品转换者、医疗保险体系中付费服务受益人和老年人,以及改进分销体系,大幅提高了其联邦医疗保险优惠计划会员(Medicare Advance)人数。客户批准了我们推荐的计划和财务投资,并在我们的协助下将其付诸实践。
  • 产品开发和战略:艾意凯制作了关于责任制医疗组织 (ACO) 市场机会的全面的事实分析,向某领先的支付与医疗提供商的服务和技术业务部门提供市场进入战略,包括对ACO服务市场的深入评估(包括规模和细分)、当前和未来的竞争对手、客户需求,以及对客户市场进入战略所带来影响的分析。在此之后,客户同意追加投资,大幅改进其服务定位,并修改了销售目标,从而提高了增长速度。
  • 运营及财务业绩改善计划:艾意凯为透析诊所的经营者制定了一项运营业绩和成本效益改善计划。客户实现了临床运作效率和成本优化,息税摊销前利润(EBITDA) 提升 了8000万美元,另外,管理成本的改善预计还将获取额外的5000 万美元的成本降低。
  • 商业尽职调查:艾意凯对某独立急诊科 (FSED) 进行了商业尽职调查和运营评估,并代表某私募股权投资者制定了收购后价值创造战略。客户对目标公司进行了大规模的战略投资。
  • 增长和定价战略:艾意凯围绕欧洲某领先的牙科服务商的内生和外延增长机会制定了一个成功的整合战略。我们共同利用内部运营指标,推动标杆管理的最佳方法,并针对自付的患者确定更清晰的定价策略。我们的合作帮助该服务商的营运网络迅速成长,并两次成功变更所有权,而与此同时,患者数量和满意度也双双上升。
  • 战略选项的制定:多年来,艾意凯为欧洲某领先的诊断和分子成像供应商提供战略发展支持。我们向管理层提供了对关键市场动态、挑战和机遇的深入理解,并共同制定了一系列战略选项。这促使该公司在三个欧洲国家取得成功,并为其进一步扩张奠定了强有力的基础。
  • 市场和内部绩效考核:艾意凯为一家领先的英国私立医院运营商提供支持服务,帮助其评估英国市场,并调查全国和地方医院层面的需求、供应和融资动态。我们还分析了该公司 20 家大型医院的业绩,以支持管理层的发展计划,并促成企业成功上市。

How we help

L.E.K.’s senior executive team delivers the industry insight and strategic perspective required to address critical business issues. Our collaborative, project-based approach is designed to build client capabilities by providing senior executives with the knowledge, tools and support they need to address specific pain points and move forward with confidence. To complement the deep industry experience of our team, we employ seasoned executives from major healthcare enterprises who have “been there and done that” and lend real-world, hands-on perspective to relevant engagements. And our heritage as a strategic advisor supporting mergers and acquisitions (M&A) has been instrumental in honing our process that combines unmatched analytical rigor, detailed analysis and rapid execution.

Some of the ways we help leading healthcare services organizations include:

  • Enabling growth and new business development: We work closely with clients to assess new markets, prioritize strategic growth opportunities, develop business plans and commercial models, and codify implementation roadmaps to reduce costs and improve healthcare outcomes and quality, while creating shareholder value.
  • Developing strategies in response to changing regulations: We assist clients in developing unique solutions to address an evolving marketplace by leveraging our in-depth understanding of policy, empirical and fact-based insights, and a detailed analysis of a client’s capabilities and assets.
  • Driving innovation: We empower clients to transform ideas into new industry models. We demonstrate the ability to “move the needle” on quality and cost trends through thoughtful research, clear articulation and refinement of the value proposition, and a practical approach to integrating new solutions into the healthcare delivery value chain.
  • Enhancing social and healthcare delivery models: We collaborate with clients to define models for technologies, products and services to meet increasing demand for preventive healthcare in primary, acute, home and social care settings.
  • Capitalizing on the emerging healthcare “retail” market: L.E.K. supports clients along the value chain (including payers, benefit managers and care providers) to create robust strategies to enhance revenues, identify new market opportunities and provide consumers with innovative solutions. We combine consumer research with quantitative analysis of growth and profitability, modeling of adoption rates, and other market dynamics.
  • Improving operational effectiveness: Our hands-on expertise with payers, providers and other constituents enables us to work closely with senior executives and line management to diagnose issues and develop and implement performance improvement plans. We have deep experience across the healthcare value chain in functions such as sales and marketing, customer service and retention, revenue cycle, medical management and clinical operations, and finance.
  • Evaluating M&A opportunities: We have deep expertise in advising strategic and financial investors to identify high-yield investment opportunities. Our commercial due diligence efforts also feature post-acquisition strategy and integration services to optimize the value of portfolio companies.

Success stories

  • Growth strategy: L.E.K. developed a strategic and investment plan and provided implementation support to a national, multiline managed care organization (MCO) to substantially grow its Medicare Advantage membership over five years via new county expansion; improved member retention; targeted outreach to plan switchers, Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries and age-ins; and enhanced distribution. The client approved the plan and financial investment that we recommended and pursued implementation with our assistance.
  • Product development and strategy: L.E.K. created a comprehensive fact base of the accountable care organization (ACO) market opportunity to inform the go-to-market strategy for the services and technology business unit of a leading payer-provider, including an in-depth evaluation of the ACO services market (including sizing and segmentation), current and future competitors, customer needs, and articulated implications for the client’s go-to-market strategy. The client subsequently green-lighted additional investment, substantially refined the positioning of its service line and modified sales targeting, which led to accelerated growth.
  • Operating and financial performance improvement plan: L.E.K. developed an operating and cost performance improvement plan for an operator of dialysis clinics. The client realized clinical operating efficiencies and cost optimization yielding an $80 million EBITDA improvement and G&A optimization yielding an additional $50 million in run-rate cost reductions.
  • Commercial due diligence: L.E.K. completed commercial due diligence and an operational assessment of a free-standing emergency department (FSED) operator and developed a post-acquisition value creation strategy on behalf of a private equity investor. The client made a substantial strategic investment in the target organization.
  • Growth and pricing strategy: L.E.K. developed a successful consolidation strategy built around organic and inorganic growth for one of Europe’s leading dental service providers. Together we leveraged internal operating metrics to drive best practice benchmarking and identified a clearer pricing strategy for patients paying out of pocket. Our collaboration supported rapid network growth and two successful changes of ownership, during a period when patient numbers and satisfaction also rose.
  • Strategic option development: L.E.K. supported a leading European diagnostic and molecular imaging provider in its strategic development over a number of years. We provided management with an in-depth understanding of key market dynamics, challenges and opportunities, and together developed a number of strategic options. This led to the company’s success in three European countries, and the creation of a strong position for further expansion.
  • Market and internal performance assessment: L.E.K. supported a leading UK private hospital provider in assessing the UK market, investigating the demand, supply and funding dynamics both overall and at the local hospital level. We also analyzed the performance of each of the company’s 20 largest hospitals, supporting management’s development plan and leading to a successful flotation of the business.

