今日、企業の組織戦略に関わる課題は多様化しており、データ分析の活用やエビデンスベースでの課題定義、並びに適切な解決策の見極めなどが求められています。L.E.K. ではクライアント企業の歴史・文化・戦略を踏まえた組織戦略を策定しています。
L.E.K.は企業の一部を対象とした再設計から、企業全体組織の変革まで様々なシナリオにおける支援を行っています。私たちはクライアントの組織設計のニーズに応えるために、Organizational Design Frameworkを開発してきました。L.E.K.は、戦略や事業ポートフォリオとの整合性を担保した組織設計・変革を支援しています。
組織における効率を改善する上で最も重要なコンセプトは、計測できないものは管理することができないということです。L.E.K.のOrganizational Excellence (OEX) Diagnostic Toolは、各組織における効率性の計測を可能とするだけでなく、分析スピードの向上と確かな成果の実現に貢献しています。
L.E.K.’s operating model framework includes six key elements, which collectively represent an operating model.
- Enterprise design (the foundational starting point): At the core of every operating model, enterprise design incorporates the organizational guiding principles and clarifies the relative positioning of business units (BUs), enabling functions and the corporate center. Enterprise design also outlines where profit-and-loss responsibilities sit across the organization and reflects all in-/outsourcing decisions.
- Structure and accountabilities: The organizational structure includes all reporting lines and accountabilities to enable the most efficient work, cross-collaboration and execution. The structure addresses spans of control, ensuring that spans and layers suit the organization’s size, geographic footprint and life stage.
- People: The people element helps illuminate whether the organization has sufficient human capital (employees and skills) to operate effectively. When role and talent gaps exist, this part of the framework guides organizations in how to approach deficiencies and remediation.
- Processes: Workflows within teams/functions and across the organization must be clearly defined, widely understood and automated when possible.
- Systems, data and infrastructure: For an operating model to succeed, it must factor in the enterprisewide and function-specific systems that are necessary to support daily operations and promote the sharing of data and insights. Technology must serve as a true enabler that underpins all organizational activities and facilitates the sharing of knowledge and insights.
- Governance: Clear decision rights and recurring decision forums are integral to ensuring corporate-, functional- and asset-level adherence to operating norms and governance. Leaders must align on how key organizational decisions are made and the ideal degree of decision-making centralization.
We help clients design and execute on a broad range of operating model solutions, from partial redesign and corporate governance changes to full operating model transformation. Our comprehensive framework closely links organizational choices with a client’s business portfolio and strategic positioning choices.
Organizational effectiveness
You can’t manage what you don’t measure. Our Organizational Excellence (OEX) Diagnostic Tool provides a rapid assessment of existing organizational performance using a structured online or app-based survey.